for busy babes

Jumpstart your Metabolic Makeover by getting the program completely customized to YOU based on your HTMA results

Done at your own leisure

No spending thousands on labs that tell you nothing

No appointments or video calls

How does it all work?

1️⃣ Get your HTMA kit mailed directly to you

2️⃣ Collect your hair sample & mail to Trace Elements

3️⃣ Receive a video interpretation of your HTMA results

+ a custom protocol via email

Your CUSTOM PROTOCOL is designed to seamlessly fit into your Metabolic Makeover and answer questions like

What order should I implement phase 1 guidelines?

What is my ideal macronutrient ratio?

Is an adrenal cocktail the right fit for me?

Do I need more liver support than what is suggested?

Which supplements work best for my situation?

What your HTMA test results tell you

✔️ Your metabolic rate

✔️ How stress is affecting your health

✔️ Insights on immune & digestive system function

✔️ Adrenal gland & thyroid activity

✔️Your bioindividual carb tolerance

Pair this information with your Metabolic Makeover for OPTIMAL results

Choose a Pricing Option


You can email me directly at

[email protected] to get in

touch with me any time!